Let’s get into it! In this article, we will be talking about one of my favorite styles of lettering — light up letters. I will go over all of the components of these letters, how to draw them, and some tricks you can use to make your designs more effective. There are three main types of light up letters - vertical, horizontal, and diagonal. We will start with the basics of creating vertical light up letters before moving onto exploring other style variations. Once you have mastered the art of making beautiful vertical light up letters, then you can move onto trying out different shapes and patterns. By adding additional elements like lines or dots to break up the shape, new textures and shades of color can be created. We will also take a look at some easy ways to add glitter and sparkles to create glimmering lights. Make a backdrop A light up letter is also known as an animated or blinking font. These are fonts that do not exist in nature, but you can create them! You will n...